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American Banjo Camp

Frequently-Asked Questions

Q: What's the nearest airport to the American Banjo Camp?
A: Seattle-Tacoma airport (aka "Seatac" - airport code SEA) is about one hour (50 miles) from the camp where ABC is held. See the travel directions.

Q: If I stay at a local B&B or motel, do I get a break in the ABC registration fee?
A: Yes. Look for information about the "commuter" registration fee on the registration notes page. Also see our reduced rate at the local Red Lion Inn.

Q: Can I Attend American Banjo Camp Just from Friday to Sunday?
A: Yes, you can. Although you will miss the orientation events that are particularly useful for first time campers, you can still enjoy ABC. Our Weekend-Only Option begins with Friday lunch and the first workshop Friday afternoon. Included are seven hands-on workshops and all meals from Friday lunch through Sunday lunch. Also included are the two faculty concerts, staff-led jams on Friday and Saturday evenings, and free jams later in the evening after a snack. Rates for the weekend-only option appear on the Registration page.

Q: What are the starting and ending times for ABC?
A: Check-in for the Full Camp starts at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday and the first meal is dinner (6:00 p.m.). Check-in for the weekend-only students begins at 11:00 a.m. on Friday and the first meal is Friday lunch (noon). Camp ends following lunch at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday.

Q: What's the weather like?
A: It's usually clear and around 70 degrees during the day, but on occasion it has rained or been chilly. In 2024 we had some daytime hughs in the high 80s. At night it's usually in the low 60s or high 50s. Fall weather can vary a lot in the Puget Sound, so bring layers of clothing. You might check the weather forecast for Port Orchard, WA before leaving home.

Q: Is there a way to share the photos and videos I took at Camp with other participants?
A: Yes! Our Facebook group page (www.facebook.com/groups/AmericanBanjoCamp) is set up for photo (and anecdote) sharing.

Q: Can I get a single occupancy room at Camp?
A: The way lodging is organized at Pilgrim Firs it's almost impossible to assign single occupancy except in situations of "special needs."

Q: Are there two-person rooms for couples?>
A: There are only a few two-person rooms at Pilgrim Firs (with bathroom in the hall). We assign them on a first come, first served basis. In most cases, however, couples are assigned to mixed-gender cabins. If you need a guarantee of privacy or motel-level accommodations you can register as commuters and book a room at the Red Lion Inn right down the road, where we have arranged for a special rate.

Q: I'm a vegetarian; can I sign up for the camp without the meals?
A: Meals are included in the price and we always have vegetarian options – and not just cheese sandwiches, either! If you have a particularly unusual diet or allergies you should probably bring food as a safety net, but you can always ask the kitchen staff about the contents and preparation of each meal.

Q: I'm a musician, so I don't have much money. Can I get a deal?
A: Yes, probably, maybe. We have about half a dozen work/trade positions that offer a $100 or $200 discount for 5 or 10 hours work. If, even with work/trade, you couldn't afford to come to camp, there are some scholarships for up to one-half the balance. See the registration page.

Q: What else can I bring to make things more comfortable at Camp?
A: Here are some favorites:
Flashlight Some paths at camp are quite dark at night and you'll be happy to have some extra illumination. You may have both hands occupied, so consider getting one of those LED headlamps.
Seat cushion Some indoor venues have padded seats but for many (e.g. outdoor classes) only metal folding chairs are available. If you hate hard seats you might consider bringing along your own seat cushions or a folding camp chair.
Ear plugs You can insulate yourself from snoring roommates by bringing along a few sets of good quality ear plugs.
For other things to bring, see "What to bring!.

Do you have a question that wasn't answered here?

Please feel free to ask us. Email is welcome 24 hours a day (and may be answered at the strangest hours!) and phone questions are welcome in the afternoons and evenings. See the Contact Us page.

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